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Saturday 13 April 2013

Tartan Day Raises $500.00 For The Sick Kids Foundation

Tartan Day Raises $500.00 for the Sick Kids Foundation. 

Unfortunately Tartan Day only raised $500.00 for Sick Kids, which was a huge drop in last years figure of $4000.00. This years Tartan Day Dance made a loss due to having to pay for a venue and for a significant drop in numbers compared to 2012. Many Scottish organizations decided that they would hold their own Tartan Day events and I believe this is why the numbers fell by over a 100. The $500.00 raised was donated by the Sons of Scotland who were one of our sponsors. Tartan Events Limited picked up all the losses on the night and provided free sound and lighting and event promotion.

I hope that we can find more sponsors for next year and that the Scottish communities and organizations can all pull together to make Tartan Day a big event in Toronto. If you know of any companies interested in providing a venue or sponsorship please send an email to dale@tartanevents.ca

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